  1.  15
    Архівні документи про початки адвентизму на українських землях.Roman Anatoliyovych Sitarchuk - 2007 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 43:106-114.
    The issues of the beginnings of Adventism in Ukrainian lands are covered in the scientific literature, the messages of its authors are based mainly on the memoirs of the pioneers of the national Adventist movement. However, it does not actually use archival sources. Although the number of the latter is negligible, it still allows for some clarification of the first steps of this Protestant movement in Ukraine, which leads to some reflections and conclusions. This is the purpose of our work (...)
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  2.  9
    Політико-правовий аспект відносин самодержавства та адвентистів у контексті загального протестантського руху в другій половині хіх – перших роках хх століть.Roman Anatoliyovych Sitarchuk - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:99-108.
    The topic of the study is a component of modern scientific exploration that examines the role of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in building our multi-denominational society. In particular, the issue of determining the place and role of the Adventist Church in society and the state is important. However, today it is possible to unleash it only by summing up the accumulated experience in this field for the whole period of the history of Adventism in Ukraine. The problem of state-confessional relations (...)
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  3.  11
    Огляд сучасних історіографічних досліджень з історії адвентистів сьомого дня в україні. [REVIEW]Roman Anatoliyovych Sitarchuk - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:249-260.
    After the declaration of independence of our state and the beginning of the change of ideological accents in the scientific historical literature, we trace the revival of interest among contemporary religious scholars to the history of Protestantism, in particular to its later varieties - Baptism, Evangelism, Adventism, Pentecost. This is due primarily to the presence of many "vacant" topics, as well as the emergence in some academic and educational institutions areas and even schools that specialize in this area. Work began (...)
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